Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Babies Outlet Factory

Babies for Sale. Discount up to 70%. May be we would be able to see banners like this in future if the 'Klang baby factory' was not nabbed recently...

It is still fresh in my mind, about two years ago I read a report about an Indian Singaporean doctor, who was based in Tanjung Rambutan Hospital, was arrested for illegally produced and sold babies to childless couples.

He was freed to conduct his business for more than a decade when finally he was nabbed. It all started when the babies, who seemed to be normal, started to act rather strangely after reaching 10 years.

An investigation was held and found out that this doctor had used his privilege to access his 'mental sick' patients and forced them to have sex with him.

Once, the victims were pregnant and carried the babies to full terms, he already had the buyers ready.

May be he was filthy rich from his immoral activities.

Well, it is quite hard to blame any quarters for certain reason based on supply-demand basis.

The childless couples would do anything from hiring surrogate mothers to buying babies. Babies have become another end products...but remember that they are still human with feelings and emotions.

I knew the feeling of not being able to produce your own offspring as I faced the problem of conceiving during the first eight years of my marriage. In fact, my husband and I was thinking of adoption at one point after several failure attempts to conceive.

Alhamdulillah, the lucky charm was on our side and since then been blessed with 4 precious kids.

I also knew of few couples who adopted and they really happy with their new families' members.

May be, the Government should review on the procedures to adopt legally through the Welfare Department as to my understandings, the waiting lists are quite long.

Furthermore, the childless couples prefer to own newborns or babies but normally they would get toddler (about 2 years) if they go through the legal process.

These hindrance might divert their attentions to use other channels which are illegals and costly.

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