Friday, December 25, 2009

Absent Minded

Once, my primary 2 teacher told us a moral story of an absent minded kid and it's impact.

One day, while walking home from her school, Lily, the little girl bumped into a hungry little kitten.

She pitied the kitten and took it home. She fed and bathed the kitten. In return, the little fellow licked Lily and the two became inseparable.

Lily begged her mother's permission to keep the kitten as her mother was reluctant in the first place. Her mother made her promised that she would be totally responsible for the kitten.

Every night Lily, would unfold the mattress and slept with the kitten.

Days passed by and Lily was happy with her new companion.

However, one day, Lily awoke late. She rushed herself to get ready to school.

In a hurry, she folded the mattress forgotten about the little kitten completely.

After half day at school, Lily rushed home to play with her kitten.

She sensed something amiss when her little kitten was not at the door to greet her as usual.

Her mother only realised that the little kitten was not seen since this morning.

Suddenly, Lily remembered that she forgot to take out the little kitten when she folded the mattress this morning.

Immediately, she went to her room and unfolded the mattress. It was too late as the kitten was already dead due to suffocation.

Lily regretted of being absent minded which had taken the kitten's life.

Well, this moral story is not to be taken lightly as it proves it point.

In the Star today, it was reported that a student in eastern China died after allegedly being told to stand in the freezing cold as punishment by a teacher who then went out drinking and forgot the boy.

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