Friday, June 4, 2010


Today is the last school day and school will resume after two weeks break. Anyway, the kids have to bid farewell to their dear Ustaz Sabaruddin, who has been posted to another state.

It was a heart breaking for my son as he adores the Ustaz very much...and within five months with the Ustaz guidance, he has improved tremendously in his Quran reciting...from alif, ba, ta ... he had moved to Surah Al-Baqarah (only few pages)...

From zero basic of solat, now he is able to memorize a few doas...

Thank you Ustaz...we don't have to express our gratitude particularly on Teacher's Day only, right...

Anyway, it was reported that a schoolgirl prank turned tragically fatal when a 9 year old collapsed and died after eating glue which she thought was jelly.

Her panicked classmates then alerted a teacher, who rushed the girl to a nearby clinic but she was pronounced dead.

So, to all teachers, this tragedy reminds that your responsibilities not only bound to classrooms, academics and exams the kids (out of their parents' eyesights) rely on the teachers' guidance and supervisions...

May be, the least to do is highlight the incident during assemblies and remind the kids that at the end of the day besides getting good results, they also must be well verse with the environment and have good surviving skills...

Teaching is a very respectable profession and 'Happy Belated Teacher's Day"...

Dedicated to all my former teachers....

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