Thursday, June 10, 2010


I read a report on Orphancare which was set up by NGO to accomodate for the unwanted was a noble idea that gave chance for unwanted babies to be placed or rather dumped?? but it was sad as the condition was getting from worse to worst...

Infact, the lady who was incharged of the center admitted that 30 years ago, during her pregnancies period, she prayed not to have girls as she said the world would not benefit this gender anymore...

Infact it was quite common that older generations would put such statement as 'It is better to take care of 10 tigers compared to a daughter'...

Viewing the current scenarios, we are no better than the Jahillyah (era before Islam) as Jahillyah period only deny the rights of the female but in this modern days, we ignored both to cover up the sins...which is much regretted.

As those parents, who feel that female is at the disadvantages, please relook on the issues and thankful for the Gifts from Allah...neither genders are at the disadvantages provided that we educate and provide equal opportunities...they need our loves and guidances...

There is a story in the Star today on 'Motherhood comes naturally for nanny goat' which has a very good moral behind it.

The nanny goat had given birth to two kids recently and had a big heart by nursing a month old puppy...the puppy would take the opportunity to suckle the goat whenever its two kids were being fed...

I hope the set up of such center is not a flush gate to welcome the 'immmoral' behaviour...but rather an eye opener...'Think deeply before you commit the sinful act and you have to be responsible for your action...'

To those who have crossed the border, please repent and get back on the right nobody is perfect...

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