Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stay at Home Mom

Aha...thankyou the Star (Nov 3, 2009). These tips come handy just in the nick of time...Being a stay at home (without a helper) for 5 years really a tough test as I have to work 24 hours around the clock and 365 days in a year without any leave.

The worse part is that this profession is salaryless. Some of my friends envy me by calling "a woman of leisure". If only they were in my shoes than ... Well, the grass is always greener on the other side.

I am not only a stay at home mom but A to Z mom. I have to juggle my time from being a mother, chef, chauffeur, judge, gardener, nurse, babysitter, laundry lady, teacher and housekeeper. At the end of the day, I hardly have enough time for myself...

However, all the hard works seem to wash away when you see their face glowing with happiness and satisfactions especially when they get back from school...a sense of security...(just as my four-year old son cried "mama 3x" the moment he saw me fetching him and the brother from preschool).

The beauty of this profession is that it made you become tougher, tolerable, realistic and humane. It also requires extra patience...

The only set back (besides the financial constraint) of being a stay at home mom means restricting my social activities and I do feel lonely at times especially now that my kids have grown up.

So, I have restarted my baking hobby and picking up on sewing while the kids are at school as to kill times. Of course, my favourite pass time is to update my blog. I find that these are fun, enjoyable and mind challenging hobbies as well...

These are the tips listed in the Star on how to be happy as a stay-at-home mom

1. Keep a positive attitude even if you have been awakened four times throughout the night by a sick two-year-old. These days will fly by and someday you will miss such times.

2. Find something you love to do,such as baking or gardening and do it.

3. Join a mom's group to keep you connected with mom of all ages who are going through the same things that you are.

4. Remember that you are a valuable person and that you are doing the hardest work on earth.

5. If you are feeling resentful about it, take a look at your children and know that they are worth your being home and being there for them when ever they need you.

So, to all stay at home mom, do not regret on the decisions that you made up. The rewards are similar to the 'jihad' (those who were killed in the war to safeguard Islams). Alhamdulillah...


  1. Ya, forgot to mention that from time to time you have to deal with their antiques...this really taxing as it will drives you to the walls and ceilings ... also get ready with invasion of toys and rubbish all over the house, upstairs, downstairs inside out...

  2. very interesting story, madam ruby:-)

    I'm collecting information for the concept 'Stay and Working At Home Muslimah'-new-Islamic concept of SAHM, WAHM and SOHO- 'Safe Office Home Office'.

    Your blog may help me'

  3. Alhamdulillah, that you find my blog helps your good intention in certain ways. Hopefully, you can highlights on issues about parenting that you would like me to write about in future. InsyaAllah, I will try to address and assist within my capabilities and limitations.

  4. Thanks for your advice and willingness to help me, sis:-)

  5. You are most welcome. May Allah bless you.
