Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cloud Seeding

It was reported that the unusual snow storms in north-central China had claimed 40 lives. The storms also caused thousands of buildings to collapse and destroyed almost 200 000 hectares of winter crops.

Surprisingly, the heavy snowfall was induced through cloud seeding as stated in the Chinese state media.

Interestingly, this is the first news I came across highlighting on the side effect of cloud seeding. Actually, I was curious of cloud seeding as Malaysia is so prone to utilise the technology as to overcome the haze problems.

I was concerned on our safety due to the cloud seeding which could be related to the occurrence of tsunami when we interrupt the mother nature.

Since the last tsunami in 2004, scientist had done researched and reported that the movement under the sea bed was triggered faster initiated by the launching of nuclear testers and finally the outcome is tsunami.

Cloud seeding is a process of spreading either dry ice (commonly, silver iodide aerosols) into the upper parts of clouds to try to stimulate precipitation process and form rain.

In 1960's, it was reported that National Hurricane Center began series of experiments in seeding of hurricanes to reduce the their intensity. However, the experiments failed.

Although the report of this cloud seeding was still unjustifiable and not supported by scientific data and studies, at least it should caution us on the actions and reactions equation.

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