Monday, January 11, 2010

Faith and Sanity

After series of unwanted incidents including a mother who lost temper and judgement due to stressful life she's leading, trigger me to share on this wonderful story.

One day, Allah sent Jibrail to see a buffalo and asked the buffalo of his conditions of being a buffalo.

So, went off Jibrail to meet the buffalo and sought the answer.

The buffalo responded that he was very thankful and proud to be one as his life was not as bad as a bat who bathe with its own urine.

Jibrail then went to look for a bat who was sleeping and demanded an answer.

The bat was happy with his condition as his life was much better than that of a worm.

Worm was too small and weak creeping creature. Hearing this, Jibrail went to look for a worm.

The worm responded that he was very thankful with his conditions which was better than that of humans without faith in Allah.

So, from the story, mankind are supposed to be the greatest creatures in this world but we also would be the most disgusting creatures if we lost our faith and sanity...


  1. Salam Sis Ruby. Great motivation. Always be thankful (Syukur and Redha) is a key of happines.

  2. Salam. Thanks. You are right. Syukur and Redha.
