- Shahrizat lauds decision to defer caning
- It may be a harsh sentence,says Mahathir
- Bar Council : Whipping cruel and inhuman
- No to ' whipping for drinking'
- Malaysia's moderate image threatened
- Investment, image and Kartika.
Well, personally I think there is no issue on this particular topic but I'm not sure how it has become hot topic this past weeks both to local and international medias. It seems that the judge and punishment are questionable. Infact, P. Gunasegaram through his column Question Time in the Star highlighted that , I quote " ....many experts say there is no prescribed punishment in the Quran for taking alcohol?"
Hmm...I am not in the position to neither conform nor disagree with the statement. I leave it to the experts to settle the issue. The only concern to me is that the judge is supposed to be above the law, especially in this case, it involves syariah court. I believe the judge had looked into every angle before he gave the verdict.
The law has been in placed all this while, so technically Kartika Sari was not the only case. The only different was that she refused to appeal. So, there is not an issue of cruel or inhuman, because she pleaded guilty and willingly to be whipped. There was no outside force or pressure. There was no element of being framed either.
To me, it is purely the matter of choice...the choice that she has made. Similarly when she was caught red handed, it was her choice to pick alcohol to other drinks...and again here she has made her choice...not to appeal.
That's why I'm puzzled when we let people especially media to speculate the issue. Uniquely, this issue has made outsiders to distance from Malaysia...in terms of investment...
Sigh...is it so? Earlier we had sodomy case. I really admire Malaysian's courage to request outsiders not to meddle in our law. So, now where is the spirit? I believe that there must be other strong factors contribute to scarce investors. For example, our neighbour, Indonesia had been blasted with bombs in 2002 and recently July 2009. Ironically, the incidents should put off investors and tourists...did it really happen?
Thus, hopefully this case will end soon. Sincerely, I really admire Kartika Sari for her courage and determination to face the music...not many people in her shoes would willing to do so...May Allah bless you...
Hope you write more on other issues too coz I sometimes miss the newspaper. Any idea about the fuel price or formula? I just don't give a hack right now